Family medicine services by Dr. Rafet Jhameel in Chilliwack, Canada today

Primary care provider from Dr. Rafet Jhameel right now: While there are multiple reasons to get a Family physician, here is some top of the list. According to Dr. Rafet Jhameel primary physician does more than give you a check-up. The family doctor prescribes medication to help you if you become ill with a mild condition. If you have long-term conditions such as diabetes and high cholesterol, your doctor will help you plan. Rafet Jhameel is one popular family physician who will work for every factor, like diagnosing and treating both acute and chronic conditions. He provides regular health screenings as well as counseling regarding lifestyle changes. This helps to prevent potential health problems. The family doctor will refer you to a specialist if you ever need specialist care. They will coordinate all aspects of your treatment. Find even more information on Dr. Rafet Jhameel.

Visiting your Family Physician for regular check-ups can help you stay healthy and prevent illness. Family Physicians are trained to care for people of all ages—from birth through end of life. They also have a broad scope of knowledge so they are able to care for a wide range of symptoms affecting the body from head to toe. Therefore, a Family Physician is the best choice for families that want one place to go for all of their family members’ healthcare needs.

The negative effects of mental illness are, for a large proportion of people, ongoing and pervasive. Mental illness is most often not ‘permanent‘ in the sense that its effects are not consistent over time, though the pattern of impairment and functioning can persist for many years. Some factors that lead to patients balking at getting help are: The nature of mental illness often entails self-objectivity being in short supply, resulting in many patients not being aware that they need treatment or denying that fact altogether.

Family practice residencies developed in response to a perceived need by the public, the medical profession and the government for well-trained generalists. In addition to receiving broad hospital training, family practice residents receive extensive training in comprehensive and continuous outpatient medicine for persons of all ages. As a specialty, family practice has stringent requirements for continuing medical education, board certification and board recertification every seven years. Family practice was the first practice to require recertification. See extra information at

Family medicine is a subspecialty of primary medical care. As its name implies, it focuses on the whole family’s health, from infant to geriatric. The doctor’s services are not only restricted to one particular organ or condition. Instead, it provides healthcare for the whole patient and acts as an advocate to prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat a wide variety of ailments.

Dr. Rafet Jhameel is a Family Physician in Chilliwack, BC. He is Giving Medical care through Express Care Medical, a functional and family medicine clinic offering a comprehensive and modern approach to health treatment. The staff is well-trained and includes medical assistants and clinical health care coordinators who ensure that our physicians have time and resources to meet the needs of every patient.

If your doctor visits you at all stages of their life span, they not only can get to know the person you are, but they also learn your entire medical history of you. This allows them to identify and treat you promptly. They can also offer a helping hand in stressful or stressful times or suggest you see therapists.

In his medical practice, Dr. Jhameel has primarily focused on seniors’ health, pain management, and weight loss. He is dedicated to helping his patients maintain a healthy weight and minimize pain to lead more fulfilling lives.

In his spare time, Dr Rafet Jhameel, along with his wife, both enjoy being outdoors. Together, they enjoy off-roading, camping, hiking, and exploring the vast forests of British Columbia. He is also a keen snowboarder and an active participant in soccer and beach volleyball. Dr. Jhameel is a highly motivated and compassionate physician, committed to providing exceptional care to his patients. His dedication to his work and his patients is what sets him apart in his field.

Family medicine services by Dr. Rafet Jhameel in Chilliwack, Canada today
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