Best apartment for investment agency Istanbul, Turkey

Real estate property services Turkey right now: Although it is clear as the sun that Istanbul is the only city where you can resell your property if you choose it correctly, we still receive investors to this day who are eager to buy properties outside Istanbul, tempted by their low prices and investment potential! If the goal is to spend a vacation and you buy a house in Trabzon, Yalova, Bursa, or even Antalya, it seems logical because you are not concerned with the opportunity to resell it later. The problem arises when some investors believe that buying a property outside Istanbul is suitable for high-yield rentals and easy resale in the future. Some even say that they will use the property during summer vacations and rent it out when they are not in the country. However, this idea cannot be achieved because no one wants to rent your property during the eight cold months. Discover even more information on

Tips related to the concept and principles of real estate investment: The chosen property should align with the primary investment objective, whether it relies on capital appreciation in projects under construction for resale upon completion or focuses on high rental yields that can attract rental income significantly above the modest rental yields commonly found in Turkey. Profit calculations cannot be accurately assessed until the completion of the real estate investment and the sale of these properties according to the required timeline. For example, purchasing a property for $200,000 and earning an annual rental return of $10,000 does not mean you’ve made a 25% profit after five years. Your real profit only materializes when you manage to sell the property. Upon selling it for $250,000, you’ve actually realized a $100,000 profit – $50,000 from rental income over five years and $50,000 from the difference in purchase and sale prices, equaling a 100% return on capital over five years.

Clearly state your requirements to the sales representative when you meet with them. If you have a fixed budget that cannot be exceeded, it is best to mention it to avoid getting a property tour that does not match your requirements, wasting your valuable time and energy in Istanbul. For example, a client who requests the best investment properties without specifying a budget will have the sales representative search in central Istanbul to find a suitable property. If the client’s budget is not suitable for properties in the center, they will find that property prices are high, and they may withdraw from the idea of investing at a time when suitable investment properties are available in other areas. The sales representative could have visited these areas with the client if they had disclosed their approximate budget.

Many beginners in real estate investing in Turkey are looking for quick profit, which makes them rush in their decisions and they often end up in loss. The real estate sector is one of the most growing sectors in Turkey which provides all investors with a good investment return, but the key to success in this sector is time. Investor’s efforts must first be based on understanding the market and then choosing the best property in terms of region and quality. Then wait, as one real estate investment expert says. “Real estate investors are the only ones who make money while they are asleep.”

Whereas London is already one of the world’s premier cities, the Turkey 2023 vision plan aims to boost Istanbul to equal status, and this gives real estate investors the edge. In 2016, Barnes International also ranked Istanbul as the number one city for potential. Gone are the days, when we buy a house for life. Changing lifestyle habits as well as work and career commitments means selling a house is just as important as buying it. Studies say current generations will own an average of three different houses in the lifetime, hence buyers are also hedging their bets when it comes to selling and that is where the Istanbul real estate market steps up.

Istanbul tourism is one of the top reasons to invest in Turkey. With the majority of tourist attractions located on the European side, most first-time travelers to Istanbul don’t venture into the Asian side of the city. Had it not been for Ciya Sofrasi and Walter’s Coffee Roastery, then we wouldn’t have gone there either. Home to a maze of cafes, bars, restaurants, and some trendy neighborhoods, the Asian side has much to offer and is well worth a day if you can spare it. We traveled around Turkey for two weeks so we went to these places on our own, but if you don’t have as much time, then you can visit them on day trips from Istanbul as well. Domestic flights are inexpensive and efficient in Turkey, making these day trips to other regions highly possible.

Many clients have their first goal in obtaining Turkish citizenship, and for the amount of $ 250.000, they do not give much importance to the real estate that will be purchased in it, and this is in fact a big mistake because Turkish citizenship is free and this amount is a condition for obtaining it, but through which a very profitable investment can be made, many clients of Right Home, after they were consulted for real estate suitable for Turkish citizenship and investment at the same time, they later consolidated their investments in Istanbul even after obtaining Turkish citizenship because the real estate market in Istanbul is a profitable market for investors in any case, provided that investment projects and the right options are chosen within these projects.

Right Home is a leading company specializing in real estate consultancy and brokerage. We help buyers to buy and sellers to sell. We provide luxury apartments, smart homes, elegantly designed offices, modern constructions and all consultancy services. Our head office located in Istanbul, Turkey. Our goal is to earn your trust and make sure you are comfortable with the process of buying a home in Turkey from start to finish. For a closer look at the glory of the Ottoman Empire, you should go to Topkapi Palace during your trip to Istanbul. Topkapi Palace was built in the 15th century. Mehmed the Conqueror ordered the construction of the palace in 1459. At first, the palace was named Yeni Saray, or the New Palace. Before this palace, the Sultan used to live in the Old Palace in Beyazit Square. The name was changed to Topkapi Palace in the 19th century. Topkapi means canon gate. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, Topkapi Palace was turned into a museum in 1924. The palace, occupying a vast area of around 592,600 to 700,000 m2, has hundreds of rooms and chambers, but not all of these rooms are accessible for tourists. Only some of the most important ones are open to the public.

It is worth noting that today, by purchasing real estate online and by appointing one of our company’s lawyers, you can not only get the best investment opportunity while you are in your home, but also apply for Turkish citizenship for you and your family, and when you visit Turkey at a convenient time for you, you can directly receive the Turkish identity. We have always believed in Right Home that difficult circumstances carry distinct opportunities, and you too today can seize the opportunity of lower real estate prices and obtain Turkish citizenship while you are at your home sitting on a large sofa with your family. Find more information on

Best apartment for investment agency Istanbul, Turkey
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